Anxiety Attack

Anxiety Attack

Even writing this post is making me anxious. I doubt that I am the best person to explain anxiety, how it occurs and what causes it but I will try to give you an insight on what I think it is and you can take it from there and do your research.

Have you ever work up and that there is this feeling in your gut that makes you feel uncomfortable, not talking about physical pain here like the one you have after doing 500 reps in abs workout. The feeling of disgust, acidity bubbling in your stomach to the extent that your whole body feels off.
Hormones all over the place, the feeling that you just want to throw up, well my friend you might be suffering from anxiety.  It is very difficult to know what is causing it, but usually, it is all mental and got to do with your life circumstance and believe me there is no easy way out of it.

Usually, what helps me get past this is a workout, a walk, some music, meditation or some reading. Not sure how severe your case it, but that is up to you to conduct a self-analysis or go see a doctor as things can get really serious. 

Life is never straightforward, you might have just lost your income and you are waiting to get found by a job provider on where you create your cv using the free cv maker. But all in good time, stay positive, acknowledge what you are going through and just change your current environment. Being in nature helps, getting some fresh air or even listening to some calming music. Whatever it is that you know that calms you down, go for it as we need you healthy, inside and out. 


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