Gaming addiction
Gaming addiction
If you were
never the gaming type then I guess you do have more time on your hands, but for
those gamers out there, this article is for you.
From my own
experience, I have been a gamer for most of my life, starting from the good old
floppy disks games to today on my smartphone
or video game console. It does seem to me that for most of my life I have been
crossing the thin line between being a gaming addict and a casual gamer. To me, it was all about my mental health, stress
levels and what was going on in my life, not to mention really good advertisement
and hyping up a game.
Most games
that I have come across these days have this element that you have to keep on
coming back or you will lose progress in comparison to other players, which is
usually done by daily challenges or rewards.
The worst
element that I have come across was the “pay to win” in other words, if you
spend real money on the in-game purchase,
the chances you will always win is a higher as your character/team is much
stronger than your opponent. Some software developers to offer an alternative to that but you will need to spend a lot of
time playing the game.
So is it
addictive? Well hell yes, sometimes ill reach the point where the video game is
the only thing that I want to think about
when I wake up when I sleep when I am doing any kind of activity I can’t
seem to get the game of my mind.
It is a
very thin line, it is very easy to get carried away with gaming and just
consume your whole day without realizing.
The first step to
getting in control is making a note of how many hours you play per day and what are you thinking about
when you are not playing that game. It is very simple to keep track of and try to shift your attention to other aspects of life.
Good Luck
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